Stranger Things – Plus my predictions for Season 3!

The bar has been raised in the land of storytelling. The Duffer Brothers have arrived with the Netflix TV series Stranger Things. My initial plan for this blog post was simply to praise every aspect of the show, well deserved considering the attention to detail. Season 2 exceeded just about everyone’s expectations, the directing, acting, wardrobe, editing, set design, music it all formed together to make a near perfect 1 hour thriller. Instead I decided to hone in one aspect, where every show stems from, the writing.

As anyone begins studying writing they come across the topic of a character web. The basic idea revolves around not thinking of each character as a separate individual, but that each person, good and evil, are connected and define each other. The writing delivers on multiple occasions, showcasing relationships between family members that on the surface are inseparable as well as at times dysfunctional.

Throughout the first episode an abusive Dr. Martin Brenner, continues forcing his hospitalized daughter to perform mental experiments. The stakes are instantly high, as the audience watches a young girl struggle to survive. The two are connected, both aware of the powers Eleven possesses and existence of the upside down world. Everyone’s true identity, good or bad will be exposed by the challenges that lie ahead, forcing them to inevitably work together to survive.

One of the shows allures comes from episodes that introduce characters that are disguised as opponents that eventually reveal themselves as ally’s. The most satisfying was watching Doctor Sam Owens choosing to help Will Byers’s family escape the hospital as they were being attacked by the Demogorgon’s in season 2. We then watch as a new friendship emerges between Police Chief Jim Hopper and Dr. Owens, as they share a table for lunch at a local Hawkins diner. The near death experience that virtually everyone experiences forces them to become a stronger version of themselves, an attractive theme that continues throughout both seasons.

Although most made it out alive the current condition of Hawkins, Indiana leaves me asking several questions, the main one being how many more attacks from the Demogorgon’s can they survive? Moreover, what will result from the tapes Nancy Wheeler and Jonathan Byer’s mailed out, the same ones exposing Doctor Sam Owens? I’m sure all questions will be addressed soon enough, leaving the diehard fans patiently waiting for the announcement of season 3.

Until then I’ll leave you with one prediction, in the spirit of disguising opponents as ally’s. In chapter 7 Lost Sister, Eleven finds Kali, the girl with the tattoo 008 and her friends, all possessing super powers. In spite of the first introduction being positive, I believe that season 3 will exhibit a clash between Eleven and Kali. A battle that leaves Eleven questioning who she can trust.